A sample g2c3.in file:
&input_parameters ! control parameters gfilename=0 ! 0 for D3D; 1 for Aditya solvertest=0 ! 1 for testing 2D-FEM Poisson solver FEM_Order=1 ! 1 for First order and 2 for Second Order FEM eqprofile=1 ! 0 for uniform; 1 for cyclone irun=0 ! 0 for initial run, non-zero for restart max_iteration=3000 ! # of ions and field time steps snap_interval=100 ! # of snapshots ndiag=10 ! do diagnosis when mod(istep,ndiag)=0 tstep=0.02 ! time step size nbound=5 ! # of radial cells subjeted to BC ! thermal (main) ion micell=250000 ! # of ions per grid per particle domain aion=1.0 ! ion mass, unit=proton mass qion=1.0 ! ion charge, unit=proton charge ngyroi=1 ! N-poit gyro-averaging: N = 1, 4 or 8 qelectron=-1.0 ! electron charge ! simulation_grid_input psi0=0.3 ! psi at inner flux surface normalized with psi_sep psi1=0.9 ! psi at outer flux surface normalized with psi_sep mpsicore=50 ! # of simulation grids allong psi in the core region mpsisol=200 ! # of simulation grids allong psi in SOL region mthetaRZ=0.2 ! resolution of poloidal grids deltas_sim=0.005 ! poloidal grid size deltas_factor=10 ! factor to build finer grid ! toroidal grid number mtoroidal=32 ! # of toroidal grids ! physical unit for equilibrium etemp0=1689.46 ! on-axis electron temperature in eV ! Additional simulation parameters flag_smooth=1 ! 0 for no smoothing; 1 for smoothing flag_para_smooth=0 ! 0 to disbale and 1 to enable parallel smoothing flag_filter=0 ! 0 to disable and 1 to enable filter flag_profile=1 ! 0 cyclone profile and 1 to load 'dat/profile.in' flag_fullf=0 ! 0 for delta-f; 1 for full-f ipert=0 ! 0 for uniform loading; 1 for perturbed loading ! Neural Network parameters NNdsIterations=20000 /
Following is the FORTRAN subroutine to read the g2c3.in
!================================================================================= subroutine read_g2c3_in use global_parameters use cylindricalRZ use particle_array use system_env use write_data_module use mpi_module implicit none logical :: file_exist integer :: ierror,micell namelist /input_parameters/ & gfilename,solvertest,FEM_Order,eqprofile,irun,snap_interval,& ndiag,tstep,nbound,micell,aion,qion,ngyroi,max_iteration,& qelectron,psi0,psi1,mpsicore,mpsisol,mthetaRZ,& deltas_sim,deltas_factor,mtoroidal,etemp0,& flag_smooth,flag_para_smooth,flag_filter,flag_profile,& flag_fullf,ipert,NNdsIterations ! master process sets default values and reads input file. if(mype==0)then ! check whether the input file exists inquire(file='./dat/G2C3.in',exist=file_exist) if(file_exist) then open(55,file='./dat/G2C3.in',status='old') read(55,nml=input_parameters,iostat=ierror) if(ierror>0) call write_g2c3_comment('WARNING(#1): Check G2C3.in') close(55) else call write_g2c3_comment('ERROR(#1): Cannot find file G2C3.in !!!') ! call setup_finalize stop endif ! approximate # of particles per cell mi=micell if(gfilename==1)etemp0=etemp0/10.0 endif ! broadcast the input parameters to other MPI processes call mpi_bcast_g2c3_in end subroutine read_g2c3_in !=================================================================================