Sample g-files:
A g-file is an output of the EFIT code. Structure of the g-file is given in link.
Following is a MATLAB code to read the g-files:
function A = readEFITgfile(gfile) % open file for reading findex = fopen(gfile,'r'); if findex < 0 %error error(['Could not open the gfile ', gfile]) end % read data % header, pest parameter, # horizontal R grid points, # vertical z grid points % READ(kueql,1000)(etitl(i),i=1,5),date,ipestg,nx,nz = fscanf(findex,'%48c',1); A.idum = fscanf(findex,'%d',1); A.nw = fscanf(findex,'%d',1); A.nh = fscanf(findex,'%d',1); % horz size (m) of computational box, vert size (m) of computational box, R of B location, R of boundary, middle z value % READ(kueql,1010) xdim,zdim,rcnt,redge,zmid A.rdim = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.zdim = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.rcentr = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.rleft = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.zmid = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); % major radius (at magnetic axis), z at mag axis, polflux at mag axis, polflux at limiter, B at specified R location (see above) % READ(kueql,1010) xma,zma,psimax,psilim,btor A.rmaxis = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.zmaxis = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.simag = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.sibry = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.bcentr = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); % current in Amps, % READ(kueql,1010) totcur,psimx(1),psimx(2),xax(1),xax(2) A.current = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); tmp = fscanf(findex, '%e', 2); tmp = fscanf(findex, '%e', 2); % READ(kueql,1010) zax(1),zax(2),psisep,xsep,zsep tmp = fscanf(findex, '%e', 2); tmp = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); tmp = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.xdum = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); %poloidal current function... R*B_toroidal (Wb/m) % READ(kueql,1010) (sf(i), i = 1,npv) A.fpol = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); %plasma pressure in Joule/m^3 % READ(kueql,1010) (sp(i), i = 1,npv) A.pres = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); %f df/dpsi % READ(kueql,1010) (sffp(i), i = 1,npv) A.ffprim = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); % dp/dpsi % READ(kueql,1010) (spp(i), i = 1,npv) A.pprime = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); % polflux on rectangular grid % READ(kueql,1010) ((psi(i,j), i = 1,nx), j = 1,nz) tmppsi = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw*A.nh); A.psizr = reshape(tmppsi,A.nw,A.nh); % q values on flux surfaces % READ(kueql,1010) (efitq(i), i = 1,npv) A.qpsi = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); % number of boundary points, and number of limiter points % READ(kueql,1020) neftbd,neftlm A.nbbbs = fscanf(findex, '%d', 1); A.limitr = fscanf(findex, '%d', 1); % plot the boundary % READ(kueql,1010) (efitbdy(i),i = 1,nefbdy) tmpbdy = fscanf(findex, '%e', 2*A.nbbbs); tmpbdy = reshape(tmpbdy,2,A.nbbbs); A.rbbbs = tmpbdy(1,:); A.zbbbs = tmpbdy(2,:); % plot the limiter % READ(kueql,1010) (efitlim(i),i = 1,neflim) tmplim = fscanf(findex, '%e', 2*A.limitr); tmplim = reshape(tmplim,2,A.limitr); A.rlim = tmplim(1,:); A.zlim = tmplim(2,:); % check some switches, and characteristic radius of rotation A.kvtor = fscanf(findex, '%d', 1); A.rvtor = fscanf(findex, '%e', 1); A.nmass = fscanf(findex, '%d', 1); % rotation related quantities; optional if A.kvtor > 0 A.pressw = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); A.pwprim = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); end % mass related properties; optional if A.nmass > 0 A.dmion = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); end % toroidal flux A.rhovn = fscanf(findex, '%e', A.nw); fclose(findex);