The Centre for Condensed Matter Theory (CCMT) was set up in 1998 in the Department of Physics of IISc through a decision of the Senate. The faculty of the Centre consists of twelve condensed matter theorists and about 40 students and postdoctoral fellows. The main objective in setting up the Centre as a unit of the IISc was to provide a common forum for interactions among the members of this group and to encourage collaborative research programmes and cross fertilization in the broad field of condensed matter physics. The Centre also aims to act as a focal point of research in condensed matter theory in India, to provide high-level training to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, and to undertake other activities of benefit to the condensed matter community at large. The Centre has a vigorous visitor programme in which active condensed matter scientists spend extended periods (weeks to months) at IISc to interact with the Centre faculty. Over the years, the largest number of Ph.D.s in this area (in India) have graduated from this Department; they have gone on to distinguished careers in condensed-matter theory in research institutes within and outside India.