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Prof.K.S.SangunniDepartment of PhysicsIndian Institute of ScienceBangalore,India. e-mail: sangu@physics.iisc.ernet.in Tel: 91 - 80 - 22933279 Fax: 91 - 80 - 2360 2602 |
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n conduction changes in glasses.
Light induced anisotropies in glasses.
Optical properties of amorphous thin films.
Growth of gallium antimonide by vertical
Bridgman technique with planar crystal-melt interface
K.S.Sangunni, H.L.Bhat and Vikram
s J.Crystal Growth 141 (1994) 44
Donor-related deep level in bulk GaSb
P.S.Dutta, K.S.R.Koteswara Rao, K.S.Sangunni
and H.L.Bhat
Appl.Phys.Lett 65 (11)(1994) 1412
Sulphur passivation of gallium antimonide
P.S.Dutta, K.S.Sangunni, H.L.Bhat and
Vikram Kumar
Appi.Phys.Lett 65(13) (1994) 1695
Polarization Fluctuations in G-irradiated
Triclycine Sulphate
R.Ravi, K.S.Sangunni and P.S.Narayanan
Ferroelectrics 155 (1994) 97
Non-isothermal transformation of
Pb-modified Ge-Se glasses
M.K. Rabinal, N. Ramesh Rao, K.S. Sangunni
and E.S.R. Gopal
Phil. Mag. B 70 (1994) 89 - 99.
Heat capacity measurement on Ge20Se80-xBix
M.K. Rabinal, K.S. Sangunni, E.S.R. Gopal
and S.V. Subramanyam,
Solid State Commun. 88 (1994) 251 - 254.
Neutron diffraction study of GexSe1-x
N.Ramesh Rao, K.S. Sangunni, E.S.R. Gopal,
P.S.R. Krishna, R. Chakravarthy and B.A. Dasannacharya,
Physica B 213&214 (1995) 561 - 563.
Specific heat measurements on Ge-Se-In
M.K. Rabinal, K.S. Sangunni, S.V.
Subramanyam and E.S.R. Gopal
Phys. Chem.Glasses 36 (1995) 50-52.
Minimum fragility in GexSe80-xPb20 glasses
M.K. Rabinal, K.S.Sangunni, E.S.R. Gopal
and S.V.Subramanayam,
Physica B 205 (1995) 403-407.
Chemical ordering in Ge20Se80-xInx glasses
M.K. Rabinal, K.S.Sangunni and E.S.R.
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 188 (1995) 98-106.
Composition Dependence of the Glass
Transition in Ge-Se-Te Glasses
R.Ganesan, K.N.Madhusoodanan, K.S.Sangunni
and E.S.R.Gopal
Phys.Stat.Sol 190 (1995) k23
Electrical characterization of surface
defects in GaSb created by hydrogen plasma
P.S.Dutta, K.S.Sangunni and H.L.Bhat
Appl.Phys.Lett 66 (1995) 1966
Optical and electrical properties of
hydrogen-passivated gallium antimonide
P.S.Dutta, K.S.Sangunni and H.L.Bhat
Physical Review B 51 (1995) 2153
Devitrified phases in CuAsSe glasses
N.Ramesh Rao M.K. Rabinal, K.S.Sangunni
and E.S.R. Gopal,
Physica B 225 (1996) 274 - 282.
Crystallisation studies on CuxGe15Te85-x
K.Ramesh, S.Asokan, K.S.Sangunni and
E.S.R Gopal
J Phys: Condens. Matter 8 (1996) 2755-2762.
Compositional dependence of high pressure
resistivity behaviour of Cu-Ge-Te glasses
K.Ramesh, S.Asokan, K.S.Sangunni and
Phys. Chem. Glasses 37 (1996) 217-220.
Structural correlation in GexSe1-x
glasses-Neutron diffraction study
N.Ramesh Rao, P.S.R.Krishna, S.Basu, B.A.Dasannacharya, K.S.Sangunni and E.S.R. Gopal.
Journal Non Crystalline Solids 240 (1998) 221
Photoacoustic measurement of the thermal
diffusivity of Bi Added Ge-Se and Ge-Se-Te Glases
B.Thangaraju, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni
and E.S.R Gopal
Solid State Communications Vol 109 (5) 301 1998
Effect of topological thresholds on thermal
behaviour of germanium telluride glasses containing metallic additives
K.Ramesh, S Asokan K.S.Sangunni and
E.S.R. Gopal
The European Physical Journal B 6, 207 .1998
Electrical resistivity behaviour of
Ag-Ge-Te glasses under pressure at different temperatures: the
influence of bonding and topological thresholds
K.Ramesh, S Asokan K.S.Sangunni and
E.S.R. Gopal
J.Phys:Condens.Matter 11(1999) 3897
Optical and Thermal diffusivity Measurement
of Ge-Se-Te Glasses by Photoacoustic Technique
R.Ganesan, K.N.Madhusoodanan, A.Srinivasan,K.S.Sangunni
and E.S.R.Gopal
Phys.Stat.Sol 212 (1999) 223
Electrical switching in germanium telluride
glasses doped with Cu and Ag
K.Ramesh, S.Asokan, K.S.Sangunni and E.S.R.Gopal
Appl.Phys.A 69 (1999) 421-42522
Glass formation in germanium telluride
glasses containing metallic additives
K.Ramesh, S.Asokan, K.S.Sangunni and
Jl of Phys and chem of solids 61 (2000) 95-101
Determination of thermal diffusion length
in bismuth doped chalcogenide glasses by Photoacoustic technique
B.Thangaraju, R.Ganesan, N.Asha Bhat, K.S.Sangunni,
E.S.R.Gopal ,
Jl of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2 (2000) 91
A Consistent Approach towards the Bi doping
Mechanism in Ge-Se based Chalcogenide Glasses with Cp Measurement in
Ge-Se-Te-Bi system
N.Asha Bhat and K.S.Sangunni
Solid State communication 116 (2000) 297
Programmable control of Temperature: A simple
and versatile method
N.Asha Bhat and K.S.Sangunni
Jl. Instrum.Soc.India 30(1) (2000) 29.
The role of defects in carrier type
reversal in Bismuth doped Ge-Se glases by photoluminescence spectroscopy
N.AshaBhat, K.S.Sangunni and K.S.R.K.Rao
Jl of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 3 (2001) 735
Fourier-transform photoluminescence study of radiative recombination mechanism in chalcogenide glasses
N.Asha Bhat K.S.Sangunni and K.S.R.K.Rao
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 319 (2003) 192–199
Mixed doping in Ge10Se90-x-yInxBiyglasses
N.Asha Bhat K.S.Sangunni and A.Kumar
Phys. Chem. Glasses, 2003, 44 (4), 296–302
Enhancement of Photoluminescence intensity byphoto-induced inter-diffusion in nano layered a-Se/As2S3films
K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni, S.Kokenyesi, I.Ivan and M.Shipljak
Journal of Applied Physics, 97,044314 (2005).
Photoinduced interdiffusion in nanolayered Se/As2S3films: Optical and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies
K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni , T.Shripathi, S.Kokenyesi and M.Shipljak
Journal of Applied Physics, 99,094301 (2006).
Luminescence in amorphous chalcogenide multilayers
K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni , S.Kokenyesi, I. Ivan and M. Shipljak
Phys.Chem.Glasses: Eur .J .Glass Sci. Technol. A,47 (2), 198 (2006).
Luminescence in amorphous chalcogenide multilayers
R. Naik, E. M. Vinod, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan, and K.S.Sangunni
Phys.Chem.Glasses: Eur .J .Glass Sci. Technol. A,47 (2), 198 (2006).
Kinetics and Chemical Analysis of Photo induced inter diffusion in nanolayered Se/As2S3 films.
K.V.Adarsh, Ramakanta Naik, K.S.Sangunni , S. Kokenyesi, H. Jain and A. C. Miller
Journal of Applied Physics 104, 053501 (2008)
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies on Se/As2S3 and Sb/As2S3 nanomultilayered film.
Ramakanta Naik, K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni , Uday despandey, T. Shripathi,V.Takats and S. Kokenyesi
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 1836 (2009)
In situ pump probe optical absorption studies on Sb/As 2S3 nanomultilayered film
Ramakanta Naik, R. Ganesan, K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni ,V.Takats and S. Kokenyesi
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,355, 1943 (2009)
Light and heat induced interdiffusion in Sb/ As2S3nano-multilayed film.
Ramakanta Naik, R. Ganesan, K.V.Adarsh, K.S.Sangunni ,V.Takats and S. Kokenyesi
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 1939(2009)
Compositional dependence on the optical properties of amorphous As2-xS3-xSbx thinfilms.
Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan and K.S.Sangunni .
Thin Solid Films, 518, 5437 (2010)
Photoinduced optical changes in Sb/As2S3multilayered film and (As2S3)0.93Sb0.07film of equal thickness.
Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505,249 (2010)
Temperature dependent optical constants of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5thin films.
Vinod E. M.,Ramakanta Naik, A. P. A. Faiyas, R. Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356, 2172 (2010)
Temperature dependent optical constants of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films
E. M. Vinod, Ramakanta Naik, A. P. A. Faiyas, R. Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 (2010) 2172
Photo induced changes in the optical properties of thermally evaporated As40Se50Sb10 films
Ramakanta Naik, Arpitha Jain, E. M. Vinod, R. Ganesan, and K.S.Sangunni
Phys. Status Solidi C, 8 (2011) 2785
Optical properties change in amorphous (As2S3)0.87Sb0.13 thinfilms by photo and thermal induced process.
Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan ,K.S.Sangunni
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125,505-509 (2011)
Photo-induced changes in the optical properties of thermally evaporated As40Se50Sb10 films.
Ramakanta Naik,Arpitha Jain,E.M.Vinod,R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni .
Physica Status Solidi C, 8, No-9, 2785 (2011)
Effect of Te addition on the optical properties of As2S3 thin film.
Ramakanta Naik,C.Kumar, R. Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni .
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 130,750 (2011)
Photo and thermal induced effects on (As2S3)0.85Sb0.15 amorphous thin films.
Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni .
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 2344 (2011)
Giant photo induced optical bleaching at room and liquid helium temperatures in Sb/As(2)S(3)multilayered films
Ramakanta Naik, K.V.Adarsh, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni .
Optics Communications, 284, 5319 (2011)
Kinetics of photodarkening at room and liquid helium temperatures in a As(45)Se(55) thin film.
A.R.Barik, Ramakanta Naik, K.V.Adarsh, R.Ganesan.K.S.Sangunni , D.Zhao,Himanshu Jain
Physica Status Solidi C, 8,No-9, 2770 (2011)
Optical properties change in Sb(40)S(40)Se(20) thin films by light induced effect.
Ramakanta Naik, Sanjit K Parida, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan,K.S.Sangunni .
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 522, 172 (2012)
Compositional dependence optical properties of As(40)Se(60-x)Sb(x) thin films.
Ramakanta Naik, Arpitha Jain, R.Ganesan,K.S.Sangunni
Thin Solid Films, 520, 2510 (2012)
Effect of selenium addition on the GeTe phase change memory alloys
E. M. Vinod, A. K. Singh, R. Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni ,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 537 (2012) 127
Signatures of Ge2Sb2Te5 film at structural transitions
E. M. Vinod, Ramakanta Naik, R. Ganesan,K.S.Sangunni
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 358 (2012) 2927
Coexistence of fast photodarkening and slow photobleaching in Ge19As21Se60 thin films
Pritam Khan, A. R. Barik, E. M. Vinod, K.S.Sangunni , H. Jain, and K. V. Adarsh,
Optics Express, 20 (2012) 12416
The Effect of Se Doping on Spectroscopic and Electrical properties of GeTe
E. M. Vinod, K.S.Sangunni
Thin Solid films, 550 (2013) 569.
Crossover from Photo darkening to Photo bleaching in a-GexSe100-x thin films
Rakesh Ranjan Kumar, A. R. Barik, E. M. Vinod, Mukund Bapna, K.S.Sangunni , and K.V. Adarsh,
Optics Letters, 38 (2013) 1682.
connectivity in GeSe2 glass
N. Ramesh Rao, B.A. Dasannacharya, K.S.Sangunni
and ESR. Gopal
Proc.DAE. Solid State Phys.Symp.38C (Calcutta,India 1995)p.236.
studies of short range order in CuAsSe glasses
Ashwani Kumar, V. Chernov, N. Ramesh Rao,
K.S.Sangunni and E.S.R.Gopal,
Presented at XAFS-IX int. conf., ESRF, Grenoble (August 1996).
pressure resistivity studies on Cu-Ge-Te glasses
K. Ramesh, S. Asokan, K.S.Sangunni and
E.S.R. Gopal,
High Pressure Science & Technology, edited by W.A.Trzeciakowski
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p.776 - 778.
Kinetics of Ge20Se60Te20
M.K.Rabinal, N.Ramesh Rao,K.S.Sangunni,S.Asohan
and E.S.R.Gopal
Proc of SSP Symposium (Banaras) p155
evidence for discrete gap levels in Chalcogenide glasses
N.Asha Bhat and K.S.Sangunni
International workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured
chalcogenids.Bucharest - Romania (2001)
due to discrete gap levels in some chalcogenide glasses- A
configurational coordinate diagram illustration
N.Asha Bhat and K.S.Sangunni
Mat.Rs.Soc.Symp.Proc.Vol 667 (2001) G3.4.1