Talk Details:
Details of the previous talks are as follows:
27th August 2019.
Talk 1: by Sudeb Ranjan Datta
Nucleosynthesis in advective accretion disc and outflow: possible explanation for overabundances in winds from X-ray binaries
Talk 2: by Manas Ranjan Sahu
Tuning Andreev reflection at graphene - superconductor junction: from zero field to quantum Hall regime
11th September 2019.
Talk 1: by Debarghya Mallick
Quantum oscillations and Non trivial Berry phase in a p-type topological insulator Sb1.99Sn0.01Te2Se1
Talk 2: by Indrajit Maity
"Twistnonics" : Manipulating phonons and related properties in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers
24th September 2019.
Talk 1: by Soumi Ghosh
Charge Transport in Many Body Localizing Systems with Quasi-periodic Potentials
Talk 2: by Sudhir Kumar Sahu
Cavity-optomechanical devices based on exfoliable superconducting crystals of BSCCO
22th October 2019.
Talk 1: by Ankan Mukhopadhyay
Asymmetric modification of the magnetic proximity effect in Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
Talk 2: by Atanu Koley
Estimating the kinetic temperature from H I 21-cm absorption studies: correction for turbulence broadening
13th November 2019.
Talk 1: by Sujay Ray
Wannier pairs in the superconducting twisted bilayer graphene and related systems
Talk 2: by Neha Yadav
Experimental Observation of Few Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium
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