Research and Publications
Research Overview
Selected Recent Publications
Topological Phases/Symmetry Classification
[1606.05483] The tenfold way redux: Fermionic systems with $N$-body interactions
[1701.00374] Topological Insulators in Random Lattices
[1803.01404] Fractalized Metals
Strong Correlations/High Tc
[1603.09547] Crucial role of Internal Collective Modes in Underdoped Cuprates
[1805.02429] Surprises in the t-J model: Implications for cuprates
SYK Model
[1703.05111] Strange Half Metals and Mott Insulators in SYK Models
[1710.00842] Higher-dimensional SYK Non-Fermi Liquids at Lifshitz transitions
Cold Atoms
[1503.02301] Baryon squishing in synthetic dimensions by effective SU(M) gauge fields
[1603.09478] Boosted one dimensional superfluids on a lattice
[1610.00281] Phases of Attractive Fermi Gases in Synthetic Dimensions