Essentials of running GTC
Bashrc | Job-Script | Makefile - To run GTC(v4.6U) in ParamPravega and PTG
Files for Param Pravega Supercomputer

Below I have listed the bashrc, jobscript, and Makefile needed to the run the NON-GPU version of the GTC Code for Tokamak and Stellarator in Param Pravega.

GTC v4.6U - 17b4a12(Commit)


If your shell is BASH, then add the below code in a .bashrc file in your HOME directory of Param Pravega Supercomputer

# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions
module load spack
. /home-ext/apps/spack/share/spack/
spack load /mxkpjli netcdf-fortran@4.5.3%intel@18.0.5
spack load petsc@3.16.2%intel@2021.4.0 /qb3bzz

For CSH shell replace the statements of above after "User specific aliases.." by:

module load spack
source /home-ext/apps/spack/share/spack/setup-env.csh
spack load /mxkpjli netcdf-fortran@4.5.3%intel@18.0.5
spack load petsc@3.16.2%intel@2021.4.0 /qb3bzz

Then save the file and source the file from your home directory as,

source .bashrc


Below is a list of different simulations one can submit in Param-Pravega for GTC.


  1. (To be Updated) Tokamak: Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)
  2. (To be Updated) Tokamak: Non-Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)
  3. (To be Updated) Tokamak: Kinetic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)


  1. Stellarator: Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)
  2. (To be Updated) Stellarator: Non-Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)
  3. (To be Updated) Stellarator: Kinetic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)


Tokamak: Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)

Tokamak: Non-Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)

Tokamak: Kinetic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)


Stellarator: Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)

For Stellarators,

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=2
#SBATCH --time=00:04:00
#SBATCH --job-name=gtcx
#SBATCH --error=%J.error
#SBATCH --output=%J.output
#SBATCH --partition=highmemory


module load spack
. /home-ext/apps/spack/share/spack/
spack load /mxkpjli netcdf-fortran@4.5.3%intel@18.0.5
spack load petsc@3.16.2%intel@2021.4.0 /qb3bzz
spack load openmpi fabrics=auto /nncedca

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ext/apps/spack/opt/spack/linux-centos7-skylake_avx512/intel-18.0.5/netcdf-fortran-4.5.3-mxkpjlifwez6uij2qnz2pmn5kavlmpng/lib:/home/ext/apps/spack/opt/spack/linux-centos7-cascadelake/intel-2021.4.0/petsc-3.16.2-qb3bzznpghhokvmeitoebasgnvct5sau/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export I_MPI_FALLBACK=disable
export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:dapl
export I_MPI_DEBUG=9

mkdir -p restart_dir1
mkdir -p restart_dir2
mkdir -p phi_dir
mkdir -p trackp_dir

ulimit -s unlimited # stack
ulimit -d unlimited # data area
ulimit -c unlimited

mpirun -n 378 ./gtc

In above 378 MPI processes are submitted as mtoroidal = 9 (For W7-X), i.e. number of MPI process is a multiple of mtoroidal value.

Stellarator: Non-Linear Adiabatic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)

Stellarator: Kinetic Electron Response Jobscript (Electrostatic)

Makefile For Param-Pravega

Follow the link to get the code for Makefile_Param for running GTCv4.6U (Commit - 17b4a12) for the case of ICONFIG = TOROIDAL3D(Stellarators)

Last Updated: 31 July 2023