Plasma Physics


Research Interest:

  • Theoretical and simulation studies of fusion plasmas
  • First principle-based simulations of plasma turbulence
  • Modelling of experimental results
  • Study of the plasma dynamics at the edge of fusion devices
  • Energetic particle physics in tokamaks and stellarators
  • Particle in cell simulations
  • Some useful links:

  • Magnetic confinement: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
  • Software development: Part1, Part2
  • PIC code: Part1, Part2
  • Sample bashrc | Job scripts | Makefile for Non-GPU version of GTC(v4.6U): ParamPravega & PTG
  • VMEC Conversion To spdata: For GTC
  • PETSc: PETSc, PETSc for Partial Differential Equations: Book
  • Queue policy on Param Pravega: Policy
  • Spack package manager: spack
  • Perlmutter training material: perlmutter