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2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984Publications from the Joint AstronomyProgramme
Bournaud F., Combes F., Jog C.J., Puerari I.: ``Lopsided spiral galaxies: evidence for gas accretion'', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 438, 507.
Bournaud F., Jog C.J., Combes F.: ``Galaxy mergers with various mass ratios: Properties of remnants'', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 437, 69.
Cameron P.B., Chandra, P. and 12 coauthors: ``Detection of a radio counterpart to the 27 December 2004 giant flare from SGR 1806 - 20'', Nature, 434, 1112.
Chandra P., Ray A., Schlegel E.M., Sutaria F.K., Pietsch W.: ``Chandra's Tryst with SN 1995N'', Astrophysical Journal, 629, 933.
Choudhuri A.R., Chatterjee P., Nandy D.: ``The origin of helicity in solar active regions'' In Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity (IAU Symposium 223) ed. A. V. Stepnov, E. E. Benevolenskaya and A. G. Kosovichev, p. 45.
Choudhuri A.R., Nandy D., Chatterjee P.: ``Reply to the comments of Dikpati et al.'', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 437, 703.
Das A., Gupta S., Saini T.D., Kar S.: ``Cosmology with decaying tachyon matter'', Physical Review D, 72, 3528.
Frisch H., Sampoorna M., Nagendra, K N.: ``Stochastic polarized line formation I. Zeeman propagation matrix in a random magnetic field'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 442, 11.
Hota A., Saikia D.J.: ``A radio study of the superwind galaxy NGC 1482'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 356, 998.
Jog C.J.: ``Advanced mergers of galaxies: luminosity profiles and dynamics'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India, 33, 201.
Jog C.J., Narayan C.A.: ``Vertical distribution in a galactic disk constrained by a molecular cloud complex'', In Proceedings of the Dusty Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and Alma, ed. A. Wilson, ESPSP-577, 287.
Kantharia N.G., Ananthakrishnan S., Nityananda R., Hota A.: ``GMRT observations of the group Holmberg 124: Evolution by tidal forces and ram pressure?'', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 435, 483.
Narayan C.A., Saha K., Jog C.J.: ``Constraints on the halo density profile using HI flaring in the outer Galaxy'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 440, 523.
Nayak M. K., Chaudhuri R.K., Krishnamachari S.L.N.G.: ``Theoretical study on the excited states of HCN'', Journal of Chemical Physics, 122, 184323.
Rana V.R., Singh K.P., Barrett P.E., Buckley D.A.H.: ``X-Ray Emission and Optical Polarization of V1432 Aquilae: An Asynchronous Polar'', Astrophysical Journal, 625, 351.
Rana V.R., Singh K.P., Barrett P.E.: ``X-ray Spectral Characteristics of V1432 Aql: an Unusual Hot Polar'', In The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ed. J.M. Hameury and J.P. Lasota (ASP Conf. Ser. vol. 330), 427.
Resmi L. and 17 coauthors: ``Radio, millimeter and optical monitoring of GRB 030329 afterglow: constraining the double jet model'', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 440, 477.
Singh K.P., Rana V.R., Barrett P.E., Buckley D.A.H.: ``Periodicities in the X-ray and Optical Polarization of V1432 Aql: an Asynchronous Polar'', In The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ed. J.M. Hameury and J.P. Lasota (ASP Conf. Ser. vol. 330), 425.
Ambika S., Parthasarathy M., Aoki W., Fujii T., Nakada Y., Ita Y., Izumiura H.: ``Chemical composition of UV-bright star ZNG 4 in the globular cluster M 13'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 417, 293.
Bournaud F., Combes F., Jog C.J.: ``Unequal-mass galaxy merger remnants: Spiral-like morphology but elliptical-like kinematics'', Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters 418, L27.
Chandra P., Ray, A.: ``Supernova 2004dj in NGC 2403'', IAU Circular 8397, 3.
Chandra P., Ray, A.: ``Baby supernovae through the looking glass at long wavelengths'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 32, 223.
Chandra P., Ray, A., Bhatnagar, S.: ``The Late-Time Radio Emission from SN 1993J at Meter Wavelengths'', Astrophysical Journal 612, 974.
Chandra P., Ray, A., Bhatnagar, S.: ``Synchrotron Aging and the Radio Spectrum of SN 1993J'', Astrophysical Journal Letters 604, 97.
Chandra P., Swarup, G., Kulkarni, V., Kantharia, N. G.: ``Associated HI Absorption in the z = 3.4 Radio Galaxy B2 0902+343 Observed with the GMRT'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 25, 57.
Chatterjee P., Nandy D., Choudhuri A.R.: ``Full-sphere simulations of a circulation-dominated solar dynamo: Exploring the parity issue'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 427, 1019.
Choudhuri A.R., Chatterjee P., Nandy D.: ``Helicity of solar active regions from a dynamo model'', Astrophysical Journal Letters 615, L57.
Choudhuri A.R., Konar S.: ``Why do millisecond pulsars have weaker magnetic fields compared to ordinary pulsars?'', Current Science 86, 444.
Konar S., Choudhuri A.R.: ``Diamagnetic screening of the magnetic field in accreting neutron stars. II The effect of time-dependent velocity field'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 348, 661.
Rana V.R., Singh K.P., Schlegel E.M., Barrett P.E.: ``Periodicities in the X-ray intensity variations of TV Columbae: An intermediate polar'', Astronomical Journal 127, 489.
Shanmugha Sundaram G.A., Subramanian K.R.: ``Spectrum of Solar Type I Continuum Noise Storm in the 50-80 MHz Band and Plasma Characteristics in the Associated Source Region'', Astrophysical Journal 605, 948.
Shanmugha Sundaram G.A., Subramanian K.R.: ``Quasi-Periodicity in global solar radio flux at metric wavelengths during Noise Storms'', Solar Physics 222, 311.
Agrawal V.K., Bhattacharyya S.: ``Correlated X-ray timing and spectral behavior in GX 349+2'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 398, 223.
Chandra P., Ray A., Bhatnagar S: ``Supernova 2002hh in NGC 6946'', IAU Circular 8041, 3.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``The solar dynamo as a model of the solar cycle'', Chapter 6 of the book The Dynamic Sun (ed: B. N. Dwivedi) (Cambridge University Press), p. 103.
Choudhuri A.R., Nandy D.: ``Solar dynamo models with realistic internal rotation'', In SOLMAG 2002: Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere (IAU Colloquium 182), p. 91.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``On the relation between mean field dynamo theory and flux tubes'', Solar Physics, 215, 31.
Handler G. and 69 other authors (including Girish V.): ``Amplitude and frequency variability of the pulsating DB white dwarf stars KUV 05134+2605 and PG 1654+160 observed with the Whole Earth Telescope'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 340, 1031.
Hota A., Saikia D.J.: ``Radio study of a superwind-galaxy: NGC1482'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 31, 425.
Jog C.J.: ``Rotation curves of galaxies: Evidence for dark matter'', Physics Education, January-March 2003 issue, 281.
Joshi S., Girish V. and 7 other authors: ``Discovery of unusual pulsations in cool, evolved Am stars HD 98851 and HD 102480'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 344, 431.
Narayan C.A., Jog C.J.: ``The puzzle about the radial cut-off in galactic disks'', Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters 407, L59.
Rana V. R., Singh K. P.: ``RXTE Observations of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 23, 347.
Saikia D. J., Kantharia N. G., Hota A., Phookun B., Pedlar A., Kohno K.: ``Circumnuclear starbursts and nuclear activity: NGC6951'', In Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, ed. S. Collin, F. Combes, and I. Shlosman (ASP Conference Series, Vol. 290), p. 543.
Singh K.P., Rana V.R.: ``V1432 Aql: A polar or an intermediate polar?'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 410, 231.
Sutaria F.K., Ray A., Chandra P.: ``X-Ray and radio bright Type Ic SN2002ap - A hypernova without an associated GRB'', In Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of Supernovae. Proceedings of the ESO/MPA/ MPE Workshop held in Garching, p. 287.
Sutaria F. K., Chandra P., Bhatnagar S., Ray A.: ``The nature of the prompt X-ray and radio emission from SN 2002ap'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 397, 1011.
Bhattacharyya S.: ``Study of accretion discs around rapidly rotating neutron stars in general relativity and the implications for four low mass X-ray binaries'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 383, 524.
Chandra P., Ray A., Bhatnagar S.: ``Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424'', IAU Circular 7994, 2.
Chandra P., Ray A., Bhatnagar S.: ``Supernova 2001gd in NGC 5033'', IAU Circular 7982, 2.
Chandra P., Ray A., Bhatnagar S.: ``Radio studies of young core collapse supernovae'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 30, 755.
Chitre A., Jog C.J.: ``Luminosity profiles of advanced mergers of galaxies using 2MASS data'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 388, 407.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2001: A book review'', Current Science 83, 899.
Choudhuri A.R., Konar S.: ``Diamagnetic screening of the magnetic field in accreting neutron stars'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 332, 933.
Jog C.J.: ``Large-scale asymmetry of rotation curves in lopsided spiral galaxies'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 391, 471.
Longcope D., Choudhuri A.R.: ``The orientational relaxation of bipolar active regions'', Solar Physics 205, 63.
Mohan N.R., Anantharamaiah K.R., Goss W.M.: ``Very Large Array detection of radio recombination lines from the radio nucleus of NGC 253:Ionization by a weak active galactic nucleus, an obscured super star cluster, or a compact supernova remnant ?'', Astrophysical Journal 574, 701.
Mohan N.R., Cimatti A., Röttgering H.J.A., Andreani P., Severgnini P., Tilanus R.P.J., Carilli C.L.: ``Search for sub- mm, mm and radio continuum emission from extremely red objects'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 383, 440.
Nandy D., Choudhuri A.R.: ``Explaining the latitudinal distribution of sunspots with deep meridional flow'', Science 296, 1671.
Narayan C.A., Jog C.J.: ``Origin of radially increasing stellar scaleheight in a galactic disk'', Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters 390, L35.
Rana V.R., Singh K.P., Barrett P.E.: ``Hard X-ray study of a polar V1432 Aquilae'', In Multi Colour Universe, ed. R.K. Manchanda and B. Paul, p. 67.
Asgekar A., Deshpande A.A.: ``The topology and polarization of sub-beams associated with the `drifting' sub-pulse emission of pulsar B0943+10 - II. Analysis of Gauribidanur 35-MHz observations'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 326, 1249.
Ashoka B.N., Kumar, Babu V.C., Seetha S., Girish V., Gupta S.K., Ram Sagar, Joshi S., Narang P.: ``Development of a three channel photometer for UPSO, Nanital'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 22, 131.
Bhattacharyya S.: ``Limits to the mass and the radius of the compact star in SAX J1808.4-3658 and their implications'', Astrophysical Journal Letters 554, 185.
Bhattacharyya S., Bhattacharya D., Thampan A.V.: ``General relativistic spectra of accretion discs around rapidly rotating neutron stars: effect of light bending'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 325, 989.
Bhattacharyya S., Misra R., Thampan A.V.: ``General relativistic spectra of accretion disks around rotating neutron stars'', Astrophysical Journal 550, 841.
Bhattacharyya S., Thampan A.V., Bombaci I.: ``Temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars in general relativity: A comparison with neutron stars'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 372, 925.
Ghosh S.K., Mookerjea B., Rengarajan
T.N., Tandon S.N., Verma R.P.: ``Far infrared mapping of three galactic
star forming regions:W3(OH), S 209 S 187'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
22, 173.
Girish V., Joshi S., Seetha S., Ashoka B.N., Chaubey U.S., Gupta S.K., Kurtz D.W., Martinez P., Sagar R., Kasturirangan K.: ``HD12098 - A new far northern roAp star'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 29, 305.
Girish V., Seetha S., Martinez P., Joshi S., Ashok B.N., Kurtz D.W., Chaubey U.S., Gupta S.K., Sagar R.: ``HD12098- A new northern hemisphere roAp star'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 380, 142.
Jog C.J.: ``Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2000'': A book review, Current Science 80, 1596.
Jog C.J., Narayan C.A.: ``Vertical distribution of galactic disc stars and gas constrained by a molecular cloud complex'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 327, 1021.
Jog C.J., Narayan C.A.: ``Vertical distribution of galactic stars and gas determined by a molecular cloud complex'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 29, 343.
Joshi S., Girish V., Martinez P., Sagar R., Ashoka B.N., Gupta S.K., Seetha S., Chaubey U.S., Kurtz D.W.: ``Discovery of pulsations in HD 98851'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 29, 301.
Kantharia N.G., Anantharamaiah K.R.: ``Carbon recombinaton lines from the galactic plane at 34.5 and 325 MHz'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 22, 51.
Lal D.V., Shastri P., Gabuzda D.C.: ``Seyfert galaxies on milli- arcsecond scales'', Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 20, 311.
Majumdar S.: ``Probing the evolution of gas mass fraction with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect'', Astrophysical Journal Letters 555, 7.
Majumdar S., Nath B.B., Chiba M.: ``Sunyaev-Zel'dovich distortion from early galactic winds'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 324, 537.
Majumdar S., Nath. B.B., Chiba, M.: ``Galactic winds at high redshift and small scale CMB anisotropy'' , in Cosmic Evolution , ed. E. Vangioni-Flam, R. Ferlet and M. Lemoine (World Scientific), p. 21.
Martinez P., Kurtz D.W., Ashoka B.N., Chaubey U.S., Girish V., Gupta S.K., Joshi S., Kasturirangan K., Sagar R., Seetha S.: ``The Naini Tal - Cape survey for pulsations in chemically peculiar A-type stars: I Methods and preliminary results'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 371, 1048.
Mohan N.R., Anantharamaiah K.R., Goss W.M.: ``Very Large Array observations of the H92alpha line from NGC 5253 and Henize 2- 10: Ionized gas around super star clusters'', Astrophysical Journal 557, 659.
Nandy D., Choudhuri A.R.: ``Towards
a mean field formulation of the Babcock-Leighton type solar dynamo. I. -coefficient versus Durney's double ring approach'', Astrophysical Journal, 551,
Ramesh R., Shanmugha Sundaram G.A.: ``Occurrence of metric noise storms and the onset of coronal mass ejections in the solar atmosphere'', Solar Physics 202, 355.
Seetha S., Chaubey U.S., Girish V., Joshi S., Ashoka B.N., Gupta S.K., Kurtz D.W., Martinez P., Sagar R.: ``Naini Tal-Cape survey for pulsating chemically peculiar stars - A status report'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 29, 309.
Anantharamaiah K.R., Viallefond F., Mohan N.R., Goss W.M., Zhao J. H.: ``Starburst in the ultraluminous galaxy Arp 220: Constraints from observations of radio recombination lines and continuum'', Astrophysical Journal 537, 613.
Asgekar A., Deshpande A.A.: ``Pulse-Fluctuation Properties at 35 MHz'', in Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond, ed. M. Kramer, N. Wex, and R. Wielebinski (ASP Conference Series, Vol. 202), p. 161.
Asgekar A., Deshpande A.A.: ``Linear Polarization Properties of Pulsars at 35 & 327 MHz'', in Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond, ed. M. Kramer, N. Wex, and R. Wielebinski (ASP Conference Series, Vol. 202), p. 245.
Bhattacharyya S., Thampan A.V., Misra R., Datta B.: ``Temperature profiles of accretion disks around rapidly rotating neutron stars in general relativity and the implications for Cygnus X-2'', Astrophysical Journal 542, 473.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``The current status of kinematic solar dynamo models'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 21, 373.
Das M., Jog C.J.: ``Tidally compressed gas in centres of galaxies'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 389.
Ghosh S.K., Mookerjea B., Rengarajan T.N., Tandon S.N., Verma R.P.: ``Far infrared observations of the southern galactic star forming complex around IRAS 09002-4732'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 363, 744.
Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Saikia D.J.: ``Relativistic beaming effects in the spectra of cores and hotspots in radio galaxies and quasars'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 317, 658.
Jahan-Miri M.: ``Flux expulsion - field evolution in neutron stars'', Astrophysical Journal 532, 514.
Jog C.J.: ``Self-consistent response of a galactic disk to an elliptical perturbation potential'', Astrophysical Journal 542, 216.
Jog C.J.: ``Local stability criterion for a two-component galactic disk'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 309.
Jog C.J.: ``Lopsided spiral galaxies'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 351.
Konar S.: ``Evolution of the magnetic field in accreting neutron stars'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 343.
Konar S.: ``Whither strange pulsars ?'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 299.
Krishnakumar V., Venkatakrishnan P., Srikanth R.: ``Morphology of the Ca II K bright points and their link with G band bright points'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 23.
Lal D.V., Shastri P., Gabuzda D.C.: ``Seyferts at milli-arcsecond scales'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 28, 403.
Majumdar S., Nath B.B.: ``On cooling flows and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect'', Astrophysical Journal 542, 597.
Majumdar S., Subrahmanyan R.: ``Constraints on structure formation models from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 312, 724.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K., Rengarajan T.N., Tandon S.N., Verma R.P.: ``Distribution of cold dust in Orion A and Orion B'', Astronomical Journal 120, 1954.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K., Rengarajan
T.N., Tandon S.N., Verma R.P.: ``Far-infrared study of IRAS 00494+5617 IRAS 05327- 0457'', Astrophysical
Journal 539, 775.
Nandy D., Choudhuri A.R.: ``The role of magnetic buoyancy in a Babcock-Leighton type solar dynamo'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 21, 381.
Rajaguru S.P., Hasan S.S.: ``Radiative transfer effects and the dynamics of small-scale magnetic structures on the Sun'', Astrophysical Journal 544, 522.
Ramesh R., Shanmugha Sundaram G.A.:
``Type I radio bursts and the minimum between sunspot cycles 22 23'', Astronomy and
Astrophysics 364, 873.
Rezania V., Jahan-Miri M.: ``The possible role of r-modes in post-glitch relaxation of the Crab'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 315, 263.
Srikanth R., Singh J.: ``Tessellation of the SoHO magnetograms'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 21, 265.
Srikanth R., Singh J., Raju K.P.: ``Distribution of supergranular sizes'', Astrophysical Journal 534, 1008.
Anantharamaiah K.R., Kantharia N.G.: ``High Rydberg state carbon recombination lines from interstellar clouds'', in New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium, ed. A.R. Taylor, T.L. Landecker and G. Joncas (ASP Conference Series, Vol 168), p. 197.
Asgekar A., Deshpande A.A.: ``New pulsar observations using the Gauribidanur Radio Telescope", Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 27, 209.
Bhattacharyya S.: ``Neutron stars and accretion disks in low mass X-ray binaries'', Indian Journal of Physics 73B, 889.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``The solar dynamo'', Current Science 77, pp. 1475.
Choudhuri A.R., Dikpati M.: ``On the large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun. II. The contribution of active regions'', Solar Physics 184, 61.
Das M., Jog C.J.: ``Tidally compressed gas in centres of early-type and ultraluminous galaxies'', Astrophysical Journal 527, 600.
Ganguly A.K., Konar S., Pal P.B.: ``Faraday effect : A field theoretical point of view'', Physical Review D 60, 105014.
Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Saikia D. J.: ``Giant radio sources'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 309, 100.
Jog C.J.: ``Dynamics in a lopsided spiral galaxy: Negative disk response to perturbation halo potential'', Astrophysical Journal 522, 661.
Jog C.J.: ``Starbursts triggered by cloud compression in interacting galaxies'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 146: Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift, ed. J.E. Barnes and D.B. Sanders (Kluwer), p. 235.
Jog C.J.: ``Watching the Universe by John Gribbin'': A book review, Resonance 4, No. 7, 90.
Konar S., Bhattacharya D.: ``Magnetic field evolution of accreting neutron stars - II'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 303, 588.
Konar S., Bhattacharya D.: ``Magnetic field evolution of accreting neutron stars - III'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 308, 795.
Majumdar S.: ``Cosmology with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect'', Indian Journal of Physics 73B, 835.
Majumdar S., Subrahmanyan R.: ``Constraining cosmological parameters with Sunyaev-Zeldovich surveys'', Pramana 53, 971.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K.: ``Understanding the spectral energy distributions of the galactic star forming regions IRAS 18314-0720, 18355-0532 and 18316-0602'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 20, 1.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K.: ``Infrared diagnostics for compact HII regions - I'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 27, 567.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K.: ``Infrared diagnostics for compact HII regions - II'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 27, 583.
Mookerjea B., Ghosh S.K., Karnik
A.D., Rengarajan T.N., Tandon S.N., Verma R.P.: ``Far infrared
observations of the galactic star forming regions associated with IRAS
00338+6312 RAFGL 5111'', Astrophysical Journal 522,
Naik M.V., D'Costa S.L., Ghosh S.K., Mookerjea B., Ojha D.K., Verma R.P.: ``Efficient absolute aspect determination of a balloon- borne far-infrared telescope using a solid state optical photometer'', Publications of Astronomical Society of Pacific 112, 273.
Srikanth R.: ``On the physical interpretation of the Poynting-Robertson effect'', Icarus 140, 230.
Srikanth R., Raju K.P., Singh J.: ``The chromospheric network: Dependence of cell-lifetime on length-scale'', Solar Physics 184, 267.
Srikanth R., Singh J., Raju K.P.: ``The chromospheric network: Network evolution viewed as a diffusion process'', Solar Physics 187, 1.
Choudhuri A.R.: The Physics of Fluids and Plasmas: An Introduction for Astrophysicists (Cambridge University Press).
Choudhuri A.R.: ``Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1996'': A book review, Current Science 74, 478.
Cowsik R., Ratnam C., Bhattacharjee P.: ``Phase space structure and size of the halo of galactic dark matter'', in Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Sources nd Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe, ed. D.B. Cline (North Holland), p. 369.
Ishwara-Chandra C.H., Saikia D.J., Kapahi V.K., McCarthy P.J.: ``A polarization study of radio galaxies and quasars selected from the Molonglo complete sample'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 300, 269.
Jahan-Miri M.: ``Dynamical coupling of the core superfluid in neutron stars'', Astrophysical Journal Letters 501, L185.
Kantharia N.G., Anantharamaiah K.R., Goss W.M.: ``VLA observations of hydrogen and carbon recombination lines toward W3 at 1.4 GHz'', Astrophysical Journal 504, 375.
Kantharia N.G., Anantharamaiah K.R., Payne H.E.: ``Carbon recombination lines between 34.5 and 770 MHz towards Cassiopeia A'', Astrophysical Journal 506, 758.
Konar S., Ganguly A.K.: `` qq' qq' : A second look at the IR-divergences'', in
Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma, ed. B.C. Sinha, D.K.
Srivastava and Y.P. Viyogi (Narosa
Publishing House), p. 581.
Rajaguru S.P., Hasan, S.S.: ``Radiative Transfer Effects & Convective Collapse: Size-strength Distribution for the Small-scale Solar Magnetic Flux Tubes'', in High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations and Techniques, ed. T. Rimmele, K.S. Balasubramaniam and R. Radick (ASP Conference Series 183), p. 53.
Raju K.P., Srikanth R., Singh J.: ``The correlation lifetimes of the chromospheric Ca II K network cells'', Solar Physics 178, 251.
Raju K.P., Srikanth R., Singh J.: ``Latitude dependence of the length-scales of the solar Ca II K network'', Solar Physics 180, 47.
Cowsik R., Ratnam C., Bhattacharjee P.: Reply to the comment on ``Dispersion velocity of galactic dark matter particles'', Physical Review Letters 78, 2262.
Jog C.J.: ``The dynamics of orbits and local gas stability in a lopsided galaxy'', Astrophysical Journal 488, 642.
Konar S., Bhattacharya D.: ``Magnetic field evolution of accreting neutron stars'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 284, 311.
Srikanth R., Sharma M., Rajguru S.P.K.: ``Determination of the linear polarization of the solar corona from observations of the October 24, 1995 solar eclipse'', Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletin 13, 59.
Bharadwaj S.: ``Perturbative growth of cosmological clustering II : The two point correlation.'', Astrophysical Journal 460, 28.
Bharadwaj S.:``The evolution of correlation functions in the Zel'dovich approximation and its implications for the validity of perturbation theory.'', Astrophysical Journal 472, 1.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``Magnetic fields in the Sun's interior: What do we know about them?'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 24, 219.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``The crisis of science'' (Translation of a Bengali article by S. N. Bose), Resonance 1, No. 2, 92.
Cowsik R., Ratnam C., Bhattacharjee P.: ``Dispersion velocity of galactic dark matter particles'', Physical Review Letters 76, 3886.
Cowsik R., Ratnam C., Bhattacharjee P.: ``The velocity of particles of galactic dark matter'', in Proceedings of 7th Marcel Grossman Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, ed. R.T. Jantzen, G. Mac Keiser and R. Ruffini (World Scientific), p. 1597.
Das M., Jog C.J.: ``Collisional build-up of molecular clouds: Mass and velocity spectra'', Astrophysical Journal 462, 309.
Dikpati M., Choudhuri A.R.: ``On the out of phase appearance of large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun with respect to sunspots'', Astrophysics and Space Science 243, 169.
Jahan-Miri M.: ``Magnetic and spin evolution of pulsars'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 283, 1214.
Jog C.J.: ``Local stability criterion for stars and gas in a galactic disk'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 278, 209.
Jog C.J., Das M.: ``Starbursts triggered by central overpressure: II. A parameter study'', Astrophysical Journal 473, 797.
Mayya Y.D.: ``Embedded clusters in giant extragalactic HII regions: III. Extinction and star formation'', Astronomical Journal 111, 1252.
Prabhu R.D., Krishan V.: ``The contribution of turbulence to Tully-Fisher relation'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 24, 787.
Bharadwaj S.: ``Perturbative growth of cosmological correlations'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 16, 69.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``Magnetohydrodynamic modelling of some aspects of the solar cycle'', Journal of Indian Institute of Science 75, 559.
Choudhuri A.R., Schüssler M., Dikpati M.: ``The solar dynamo with meridional circulation'', Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters 303, L29.
Das M., Jog C.: ``Internal heating of molecular clouds by tidal fields'', Astrophysical Journal 451, 167.
Das M., Jog C.J.: ``Internal heating of molecular clouds by galactic tidal fields'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 23, 510.
Das M., Jog C.J.: ``The effect of time dependent tidal forces on molecular clouds'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 16, 295.
Dikpati M., Choudhuri A.R.: ``On the large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun'', Solar Physics 161, 9.
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Jahan-Miri M., Bhattacharya D.: ``Evolution of magnetic fields of neutron stars in low-mass binary Systems'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 16, 231.
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Choudhuri A.R., Dikpati M., Banerjee D.: ``Energy transport to the solar corona by magnetic kink waves'', Astrophysical Journal 413, 811.
D'Silva S.: ``Can equipartition fields produce tilts of bipolar active regions?'', Astrophysical Journal 407, 385.
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Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Polarization changes through stimulated Raman scattering'', Astrophysical Journal 415, 505.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Faraday rotation versus stimulated Raman scattering in quasars'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 21, 531.
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Choudhuri A.R.:``Stochastic fluctuations of the solar dynamo'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 253, 277.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``The cluster model of sunspots'', in Sunspots: Theory and Observations, ed. J.H. Thomas and N.O. Weiss (Kluwer), p. 243.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Continuum radiation due to collective plasma process in quasars'', Indian Journal of Physics 66B, 583.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``The role of Compton and Raman scattering in the quasar continuum'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 256, 111.
Ghosh T., Rao A.P.: ``The galactic latitude dependence of low frequency variability of extragalactic radio sources.'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 264, 203.
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Prabhu T.P., Mayya Y.D., Anupama G.C.: ``Gain calibration of CCD systems at VBO'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 13, 129.
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D'Silva S., Choudhuri A.R.:``The effect of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability on rising flux tubes in the convection zone'', Solar Physics 136, 201.
Gammie C.F., Ostriker J.P., Jog C.J.: ``The velocity dispersion of giant molecular clouds. II. Mathematical and numerical refinements'', Astrophysical Journal 378, 565.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Parametric decay instability in 3C273'', in Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei, ed. D. Miller and P.J. Wiita (Cambridge University Press), p. 190.
Jog C.J., Solomon P.M.: ``A triggering mechanism for enhanced star formation in colliding galaxies'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 146: Dynamics Of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions, ed. F. Combes and F. Casoli (D. Reidel), p. 277.
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Saikia D. J., Salter C. J., Banhatti D.G., Ghosh T., Gothoskar P., Manoharan P.K.: ``The Ooty Summer Training Programme 1990'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 19, 109.
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Choudhuri A.R.: ``Locating the seat of the solar dynamo'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 142: Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun, ed. E.R. Priest and V. Krishan (Kluwer), p. 51.
Choudhuri A.R., D'Silva S.: ``Influence of turbulence on rising flux tubes in solar convection zone'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 239, 326.
D'Silva S., Choudhuri A.R.: ``Effect of turbulence on emerging flux tubes in the convection zone'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 142: Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun, ed. E.R. Priest and V. Krishan (Kluwer), p. 60.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Radio wave heating of astrophysical plasmas'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 11, 515.
Gangadhara R.T., Krishan V.: ``Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation in Astrophysical Plasmas'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 142: Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun, ed. E.R. Priest and V. Krishan (Kluwer), p. 519.
Ghosh T., Gopal-Krishna: ``A multifrequency study of radio Intensity variations for active galactic nuclei of different optical classes'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 230, 297.
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Jog C.J., Solomon P.M.: ``A triggering mechanism for enhanced massive-star formation in colliding galaxies'', in Massive Stars In Starbursts, ed. C. Leitherer and N. Walborn (Space Tel. Sci. Inst. Publi.), p. 19.
Karbelkar S.N.: ``Focal plane analysis of the Knox-Thompson algorithm in speckle interferometry'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 238, 475.
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Sridhar S., Nityananda R.: ``Time-dependent dynamics of a planar galaxy model'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 245, 713.
Valluri M., Jog C.J.: ``Collisional removal of HI from the inner disks of Virgo Cluster galaxies'', Astrophysical Journal 357, 367.
Valluri M., Jog C.J.: ``Collisional removal of HI from the inner disks of Virgo cluster galaxies'', in Paired and Interacting Galaxies, ed. J. W. Sulentic and W.C. Keel (NASA Conference Publications No. 3098), p. 683.
Zhao Ren-Yang, Bagchi J., Manoharan P.K.: ``Radio studies of the Abell cluster A 514'', Acta Astrophysica Sinica 10, 323.
Choudhuri A.R.:``The evolution of loop structures in flux rings within the solar convection zone'', Solar Physics 123, 217.
Gopal-Krishna, Wiita P.J., Saripalli L.: ``The formation, numbers and radio output of giant radio galaxies'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 239, 173.
Ramadurai S., Wiita P.J.: ``Rotational effects in Supernova 1987A and its progenitor'', Comments on Astrophysics 13, 107.
Sridhar S.: ``Undamped oscillations of homogeneous collisionless stellar systems'', Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 238, 1159.
Sridhar S., Nityananda R.: ``Undamped oscillations of collisionless stellar systems - spheres, spheroids, and discs'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 10, 279.
Choudhuri A.R.: ``On the coalescence of twisted flux tubes'', Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 40, 261.
Jog C.J., Ostriker J.P.: ``The velocity dispersion of molecular clouds: A viscous origin'', Astrophysical Journal 328, 404.
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Lord E.A., Goswami P.: ``Gauge theory of a group of diffeomorphisms- the fiber bundle description'', Journal of Mathematical Physics 29, 258.
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Shanbhag S., Kembhavi A.K.: ``QSO activity and host galaxy evolution'', Astrophysical Journal 334, 34.
Srinivasan G., Bhattacharya D.: ``Evolution of the morphology of supernova remnants with pulsars'', in Supernova Shells and their Birth Events, ed. W. Kundt (Springer-Verlag), p. 15.
van Ballegooijen A.A., Choudhuri A.R.: ``The possible role of meridional flows in suppressing magnetic buoyancy'', Astrophysical Journal 333, 965.
Bhattacharya D., Srinivasan G.: ``On the association between supernova remnants and pulsars'', in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute: High Energy Phenomena around Collapsed Stars, ed. F. Pacini (D. Reidel), p. 235.
Ghosh T., Rao A.P.: ``Observations of low frequency variables at Ooty'', in NRAO Workshop No. 20: Large-scale Surveys of the Sky, p.43.
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Joshi M.N., Kapahi V.K., Bagchi J.: ``OSRT 327-MHZ observations of clusters of galaxies'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 15, 38.
Karbelkar S.N., Nityananda R.: ``Atmospheric noise on the bispectrum in optical speckle interferometry'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 8, 271.
Karbelkar S.N., Nityananda R.: ``The recovery of phase information in optical interferometry'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 15, 45.
Kundt W., Saripalli L.: ``Dark spots, bubbles and shells in the lobes of extragalactic radio sources'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 8, 211.
Ramadurai S., Krishna Swamy K.S.: ``Meteorites, asteroids and comets-- A study of their interrelationship'', Advances in Space Research 7, 121.
Saripalli L., Gopal-Krishna: ``Some studies of giant radio galaxies'', in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute: Astrophysical Jets and their Engines, ed. W. Kundt, p. 247.
Shanbhag S., Kembhavi A.K.: ``Effects of active galactic nuclei on the nature of host galaxies'', in The 13th Texas Symposium, p. 347.
Sridhar S.: ``Do H-functions always increase during violent relaxation?'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 8, 257.
Srinivasan G., Bhattacharya D.: ``The progenitors of pulsars'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 125: Origin and Evolution of Neutron Stars, ed. D.J. Helfand and J.H. Huang (D. Reidel), p. 109.
Anantharamaiah K.R., Bhattacharya D.: ``Ionized gas towards the Galactic Centre - constraints from low-frequency recombination lines'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 7, 141.
Bhattacharyya J.C., Balasubramaniam K.S.: ``Measurement of solar magnetic fields'', Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletin 6, 30.
Bhattacharya D., Srinivasan G.: ``On the implication of the recently discovered 5 millisecond binary pulsar PSR 1855+09'', Current Science 55, 327.
Gopal-Krishna, Saripalli L., Saikia D.J., Sramek R.A.: ``Radio properties of a 'quarter Jansky sample' of extragalactic sources defined at 408 MHz'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 119: Quasars, ed. G. Swarup and V.K. Kapahi (D. Reidel), p. 193.
Gopal-Krishna, Steppe H., Ghosh T. and Saripalli L.: ``A statistical analysis of the radio properties of a large sample of 374 optically selected quasars'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 119: Quasars, ed. G. Swarup and V.K. Kapahi (D. Reidel), p. 111.
Joshi M.N., Bagchi J., Kapahi V.K.: ``OSRT 327 MHz observations of clusters of galaxies - Some very steep spectrum sources'', in Proceedings of the NRAO Workshop: Radio continuum processes in clusters of galaxies, p. 73.
Karbelkar S.N.: ``On the axiomatic approach to the maximum entropy principle of interference'', Pramana 26, 301.
Lord E.A., Goswami P.: ``Gauge theory of a group of diffeomorphisms- general principles'', Journal of Mathematical Physics 27, 2415.
Mathur S.D., Shanbhag S.: ``Possible phenomena arising from a non-stationary black hole'', Astrophysics Letters 25, 85.
Ramadurai S.: ``Neutrino fluxes implied by the cosmic ray antiproton fluxes'', Astrophysics Letters 25, 35.
Ramadurai S.: ``Supernova induced star formation'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 14, 207.
Ramadurai S., Thejappa G.: ``Preferential acceleration of He-3 by lower hybrid waves'', Advances in Space Research 6, 281.
Saripalli L., Gopal-Krishna, Reich W., Kuhr H.: ``Giant radio galaxy 0503-286'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 170, 20.
Sathyaprakash B.S., Goswami P., Sinha K.P.: ``Singularity-free cosmology: a simple model'', Physical Review D 33, 2196.
Shanbhag S., Kembhavi A.K.: ``On the appearance of host galaxies of quasars'', in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 119: Quasars, ed. G. Swarup and V.K. Kapahi (D. Reidel), p. 121.
Balasubramaniam K.S., Venkatakrishnan P., Bhattacharyya J.C.: ``Measurement of vector magnetic fields. 1. Theoretical approach to the instrumental polarisation of the Kodaikanal Solar Tower'', Solar Physics 99, 333.
Bhattacharya D., Shukre C.S.: ``Has the Crab pulsar magnetic field grown after its birth?'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 6, 233.
Bhattacharya D., Srinivasan G.: ``On the nature of the supernova remnant 0540-69.3 in the Large Magellanic Cloud'', in Supernovae, their progenitors and remnants, ed. G. Srinivasan and V. Radhakrishnan (Indian Academy of Sciences), p. 119.
Lord E.A., Goswami P.: ``Gauging the conformal group'', Pramana 25, 625.
Saripalli L., Gopal-Krishna: ``Dynamics of energy supply to bright hotspots associated with 10 extragalactic radio sources'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 149, 205.
Shanbhag S.: ``Effective temperature of five southern Am stars'', Bulletin of Astronomical Society of India 13, 87.
Gopal-Krishna, Saripalli L.: ``Luminosity-dependent effects on the hotspots in extended double radio sources'', Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters 139, L19.
Gopal-Krishna, Saripalli L.: ``Possible relationship between the radio and optical structures associated with the active galaxy Centaurus A'', Astronomy and Astrophysics 141, 61 .
Goswami P., Sinha K.P.: ``Blackhole thermodynamics from a possible model for internal structure'', Pramana 23, 381.
Srinivasan G., Bhattacharya D.: ``On the nature of the supernova remnant 0540-69.3 in the Large Magellanic Cloud'', Current Science 53, 513.
Srinivasan G., Bhattacharya D., Dwarakanath K.S.: ``On the supernova remnants produced by pulsars'', Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 5, 403.
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