S.No. | Name of the Student | Year of Joining |
Research Supervisor | Thesis Title |
1. | K. S. Balasubramaniam | 1982 | J. C. Bhattacharyya, IIA | Stokes Polarimetry and the Measurement of Vector Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions. |
2. | Dipankar Bhattacharya | 1982 | G. Srinivasan, RRI | The Influence of Pulsars on Supernova Remnants. |
3. | Lakshmi Saripalli | 1982 | Gopal-Krishna, TIFR | A Study of Giant Radio Galaxies. |
4. | Prashant Goswami | 1982 | K. P. Sinha, IISc | A Unified Geometrical Framework for Gauge Symmetries. |
5. | K. Indulekha | 1983 | S. Ramadurai, IISc | Magnetic Braking as a Solution to the Angular Momentum Problem of Elliptical Galaxies. |
6. | Smita Shanbhag | 1983 | Ajit K. Kembhavi, TIFR | Effect of a QSO on its Host Galaxy. |
7. | Subhash N. Karbelkar | 1983 | Rajaram Nityananda, RRI | Statistical Methods of Phase- Reconstruction in Speckle Interferometry. |
8. | Tapasi Ghosh | 1983 | Pramesh Rao, Gopal-Krishna, TIFR | Low Frequency Variability of the Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources. |
9. | Joydeep Bagchi | 1984 | Vijay Kapahi, TIFR | A Study of Radio Emissions from Clusters of Galaxies: cD Galaxies and the Very Steep Spectrum Sources. |
10. | Nimesh A. Patel | 1984 | V. Radhakrishnan, RRI | A Study of Circumstellar Silicon Monoxide Masers. |
11. | S. Sridhar | 1984 | Rajaram Nityananda, RRI | Some Exact Analytic Models of Time Dependent Collisionless Stellar Systems. |
12. | T. K. Sridharan | 1985 | V. Radhakrishan, RRI | A Study of the Cometary Globules in the Gum Nebula. |
13. | B. Ramesh | 1986 | V. Radhakrishnan, RRI | A Study of the Kinematics Of the Local Dark Clouds. |
14. | Sydney D'Silva | 1986 | Arnab Rai Choudhuri, IISc | Dynamics of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the ConvectionZone of the Sun. |
15. | Y. Divakara Mayya | 1986 | T. P. Prabhu, IIA | Star Formation in Giant Extragalactic H II Regions. |
16. | Monica Valluri | 1987 | Chanda J. Jog, IISc | A Study of the Environmental Influences on Spiral Galaxies in Clusters. |
17. | R. T. Gangadhara | 1987 | Vinod Krishan, IIA | Nonlinear Propagation of Intense Electromagnetic Waves in Quasar and Pulsar Plasmas. |
18. | Somnath Bharadwaj | 1988 | Rajaram Nityananda, RRI | The Perturbative Evolution of Cosmological Correlations. |
19. | Mausumi Dikpati | 1989 | Arnab Rai Choudhuri, IISc | The Evolution of Weak Diffuse Magnetic Fields of the Sun and the Heating of the Quiet Corona. |
20. | Mousumi Das | 1989 | Chanda J. Jog, IISc | Formation, Internal Support and Starbursts in Molecular Clouds. |
21. | Nimisha G. Kantharia | 1990 | K. R. Anatharamaiah, RRI | High Rydberg State Recombination Lines from Interstellar Carbon:An Observational Study. |
22. | R. D. Prabhu | 1990 | Vinod Krishan, IIA | Exploring Inverse Cascade in Astrophysical Turbulence. |
23. | Charu Ratnam | 1991 | R. Cowsik, IIA | Distribution of Dark Matter in the Galaxy. |
24. | S. Paul Kaspar Rajaguru | 1991 | Siraj S. Hasan, IIA | Radiative Transfer and the Dynamics of Small-scale Magnetic Structures on the Sun. |
25. | R. Srikanth | 1991 | Jagdev Singh, IIA | Studies on the Solar Chromospheric Network. |
26. | Sushan Konar | 1991 | Dipankar Bhattacharya, RRI | Evolution of the Magnetic Field in Accreting Neutron Stars. |
27. | Mehdi Jahan-Miri | 1991 | G. Srinivasan, RRI | The Evolution of the Magnetic Fields of Neutron Stars: The Role of the Superfluid States in Their Interiors. |
28. | C. H. Ishwara-Chandra | 1992 | Vijay Kapahi, D. J. Saikia, TIFR | Orientation and Environmental Effects in Radio Galaxies and Quasars. |
29. | Divya Oberoi | 1993 | Pramesh Rao, TIFR | Tomography of the Solar Wind using Interplanetary Scintillations. |
30. | Ashish Gajanan Asgekar | 1994 | Avinash A. Deshpande, RRI | Single-pulse Studies of Pulsars at Decameter Wavelengths. |
31. | Dharam Vir Lal | 1994 | Prajval Shastri, IIA | Seyfert Galaxies: Nuclear Radio Structure and Unification. |
32. | Bhaswati Mookerjea | 1995 | S. K. Ghosh, TIFR | Balloon-borne Far Infrared Observations of Galactic Star Forming Regions. |
33. | Subhabrata Majumdar | 1996 | Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, IIA | Probing Our Universe with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect. |
34. | Sudip Bhattacharyya | 1996 | Bhaskar Datta, Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, IIA | Temperature Profiles and Spectra of Accretion Disks around Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars. |
35. | R. Niruj Mohan | 1996 | K.R. Anantharamaiah, Biman Nath, RRI | Radio Recombination line study of ionized gas in nearby starburst galaxies |
36. | S. Ambika | 1998 | M. Parthasarathy, IIA | Chemical composition of selected metal poor stars |
37. | A. Chaitra | 1998 | Chanda J. Jog, IISc | Vertical scale height distribution of stars and gas in disk galaxies |
37. | V. Girish | 1998 | S. Seetha, ISRO | Search for Northern hemisphere rapidly oscillating Ap stars |
38. | G. A. Shanmugha Sundaram | 1998 | K.R. Subhramanian, IIA | Imaging and spectral studies of solar type-I noise storms at metric wavelengths |
39. | Poonam Chandra | 1999 | Alak R. Ray, TIFR | Circumstellar interaction of young supernovae with inputs from radio and X-ray wavebands |
40. | Rana Vikram Ranjit | 1999 | K.P. Singh, TIFR | X-ray studies of cataclysmic variables |
41. | Anand Hota | 1999 | D.J.Saikia, TIFR | A Radio Study of Gas Loss Processes in Nearby Galaxies |
42. | Malay Kumar Nayak | 1999 | Rajat K. Chaudhuri, IIA | Theoretical Investigation of Relativistic Effects in Heavy Atoms and Polar Molecules |
43. | L. Resmi | 2000 | Dipankar Bhattacharya, RRI | Multiband Modelling and Radio Observations of Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows |
44. | Kanak Saha | 2001 | Chanda J. Jog, IISc | Dynamics of Warps and Lopsidedness in Spiral Galaxies |
45. | Bhaswati Bhattacharya | 2002 | Yeshwant Gupta, NCRA | Single Pulse Studies Of Wide Profile Drifting Pulsars - A Probe Of Pulsar Magnetospheres |
46. | Debbijoy Bhattacharya | 2002 | P. Srikumar (ISAC, ISRO) | Origin Of The Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background |
47. | Harsha S. Raichur | 2002 | Biswajit Paul (RRI) | Orbital Evolution And Super-Orbital Flux Variations In X-ray Binary Pulsars |
48. | Shashikant | 2003 | Tarun Deep Saini (IISc) | |
49. | Abhay Karnataki | 2003 | Jayant Murthy (IIA) | Studies Of Diffuse Ultraviolet Radiation |
50. | M. Sampoorna | 2003 | K. N. Nagendra (IIA) | Polarized Line Formation In Turbulent And Scattering Media |
51. | Ekta | 2003 | Jayaram Chengalur (IIA) | Neutral Hydrogen And Star Formation In Extremely Metal-Deficient Galaxies |
52. | Sidhartha Sinha | 2003 | Bala Iyer (RRI) | |
53. | Uday Kumar Gurubeli | 2004 | G. C. Anupama (IIA) | |
54. | Yogesh Mann | 2005 | Avinash Deshpande (RRI) | |
55. | A. Vyas | 2006 | B. R. Prasad (IIA) | |
56. | Kshitij Thorat | 2006 | Tarun Deep Saini (IISc) | The Cosmic Population of Extended Radio Sources : A Radio-Optical Study |
57. | Nishank Kumar Singh | 2007 | S. Sridhar (RRI) | |
58. | Mamta Gulati | 2007 | S. Sridhar (RRI) | A Study of Slow Modes in Keplerian Discs |
59. | Chandrakant Misra | 2007 | Bala Iyer (RRI) | |
60. | Rajesh S. R. | 2007 | Banibrata Mukhopadhyay (IISc) | Stability of Accretion Flows And Radiative-Hydrodynamics Around Rotating Black Holes |
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