Das Group of Quantum Matter Theory
Selected Talks
summer lectures
PH320: Condensed Matter Physics II


Classes will be on Mon/Wed/Fri   11.00 - 12.0 Hrs  

Venue: Lecture Hall 4 (Physical Science Building)

Chapter   1: Review of Condensed matter Physics I

                    - Bloch States, Wannier orbitals, Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Tight-binding model, Quantum Geometry and Quantum Metric

Chapter 2: Second Quantization

                   - Quantum Statistics, Many-Body Wavefunction

Chapter 3: Hartee-Fock Theory

              - First and Second Quantization, Brief introduction to Mean-field theory, Jellium model, Electron-Liquid, Wigner Crystal, Introductions to singularities and instabilities

Chapter 4: Linear Response Theory

              - Screening, Lindhard Functions, Screening in interacting electron gas: Random Phase Approximation, Thomas-Fermi Screening, Dielectric functions, Plasma modes, Fluctuation-Dissipation Theory, Sum rules 

Chapter 5: Fermi Liquid Theory & Greens Function

                  - Concept of quasiparticles, Mass renormalization, Quasiparticle lifetime

                  - Brief introduction to Green's function method, Spectral Weight, Self-energy

Chapter 6: Hubbard and Kondo model, 

                 - Weak coupling Limit: Hartree-Fock theory, Stoner Instability, Spin, and Charge Density Waves, Applications to Mean-Field Theory

                 - Strong coupling limit: Mean-field theory of antiferromagnetism, Derivation of t-J model

                  - Brief discussions on Quantum Spin liquid and Nagaoka Ferromagnetism, 

                  - Kondo model in weak and strong coupling limit

Chapter 7: Phonons and Superconductivity

                  - Phonons, Electron-Phonons, Kohn Anomaly, Polarons, Effective Electron-Electron Interactions

                  - Superconductivity and the BCS theory

Chapter 8: Transport

                  - Dynamics in Phase space

                  - Boltzmann Transport Equation, Conductivity

                  - Relaxation time approximation

                  - Impurity scattering, Electron-phonon scattering, Electron-Electron Scattering

                  - Brief introduction to Open Quantum Systems and non-Hermitian Dynamics

To be uploaded here
Books:  Books by G. Mahan, Vignale-Guilliani, Jeno Selom, P. Phillips, and others

Our lecture Notes: will be uploaded here

Homework                         : 25%

Midterm                              :  20%

Term paper+Presentation : 25%

End Term                              : 30%

PH340: Quantum Statistical Field Theory


Chapter   1: Review of CM1

                    - Bloch States, Wannier orbitals, Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Tight-binding model, Quantum Geometry and Quantum Metric

Chapter 2: Second Quantization
                   - Quantum Statistics, Many-Body Wavefunction
Chapter 3: Hartee-Fock Theory
              - First and Second Quantization, Brief introduction to Mean-field theory, Jellium model, Electron-Liquid, Wigner Crystal, Introductions to singularities and instabilities
Chapter 4: Linear Response Theory
              - Screening, Lindhard Functions, Screening in interacting electron gas: Random Phase Approximation, Thomas-Fermi Screening, Dielectric functions, Plasma modes, Fluctuation-Dissipation Theory, Sum rules 
Chapter 5: Fermi Liquid Theory & Greens Function
                  - Concept of quasiparticles, Mass renormalization, Quasiparticle lifetime
                  - Brief introduction to Green's function method, Spectral Weight, Self-energy
Chapter 6: Hubbard and Kondo model, 
                 - Weak coupling Limit: Hartree-Fock theory, Stoner Instability, Spin, and Charge Density Waves, Applications to Mean-Field Theory
                 - Strong coupling limit: Mean-field theory of antiferromagnetism, Derivation of t-J model
                  - Brief discussions on Quantum Spin liquid and Nagaoka Ferromagnetism, 
                  - Kondo model in weak and strong coupling limit
Chapter 7: Phonons and Superconductivity
                  - Phonons, Electron-Phonons, Kohn Anomaly, Polarons, Effective Electron-Electron Interactions
                  - Superconductivity and the BCS theory
Chapter 8: Transport
                  - Dynamics in Phase space
                  - Boltzmann Transport Equation, Conductivity
                  - Relaxation time approximation
                  - Impurity scattering, Electron-phonon scattering, Electron-Electron Scattering
                  - Brief introduction to Open Quantum Systems and non-Hermitian Dynamics
To be uploaded here
Books:  Books by G. Mahan, Vignale-Guilliani, Jeno Selon, P. Phillips, and others

Our lecture Notes:

Homework                         : 25%

Midterm                              :  20%

Term paper+Presentation : 25%

End Term                              : 30%

PH 364: Topological Phases of matter

PH 203: Quantum Mechanics I

PH 204: Quantum Mechanics II

Chemistry Contents

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PH 205: Mathematical Methods of Physics
Selected Lectures