Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012
Contact: +91 80 2293 3166Email: tnmydas@iisc.ac.in, tnmydas@gmail.com
Administrative Assistance:

Contact: +91 80 2293 2010
Email: yashaschaarvi@gmail.com
Current postdocs
Current PhDs

Email: balayogikale@iisc.ac.in, balayogi.kale@gmail.com
Education: (2012-2016) Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communications Engineering from RGUKT, Nuzvid, Andhra Pradesh
Research interests: He is interested in strongly correlates systems and topology. Presently he is working on Quantum Spin Liquids, focusing mainly on Kitaev model.

Email: priyanshi1@iisc.ac.in
Education: (2013 - 2016) Bachelor of Science (Honors) Physics, University of Delhi, India;
(2016 - 2018) Master of Science Physics, University of Delhi, India.
Research interests: Priyanshi is presently working on building quantum theory for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.

Email: rahulsatapat@iisc.ac.in
Education: (2023) MSc from NIT RourkelaResearch interests: He is presently studying open quantum systems using non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, quantum geometry and field theory perspective.
Former postdocs

Email: gananya04@gmail.com
Education: PhD (2015) Banaras hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India “Various Interactions in Quantum Theories”
Research interests: Non-Hermitian quantum theory
- 2022-present : Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- 2018-2022: Postdoc at University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands

Email: sharmarajesh0387@gmail.com
Education: 2014 – 2018 PhD at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India.
Research Interests: He is interested in DFT and QMC simulation of quantum materials and low-dimensional model systems. He is currently investigating the electronic, magnetic and topological properties of square-octagon superconductors.
Former PhD Students

Email: raysujay91@gmail.com
Education: 2014 BSc from Presidency College, Kolkata
Research interests: Strong correlated electrons, Skyrmions, topological band theory, quantum Monte Carlo method, DMFT, tensor networkThesis: “Correlation, superconductivity, and topology in twisted and untwisted layered systems”: pdf
Current position: Postdoct at University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Education: MSc (2014) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Research interests: Theory of superconductivity, Kondo insulator,
Thesis: “Superconductivity in strongly correlated
systems: Heavy fermions, Cuprates, Infinite-layer Nickelates”
Current position: Postdoc at Indian Institute of Technology, Madrass, India

Email: gkgupta.bhu@gmail.com
Education: BSc (2013) :Banaras Hindu University, Ind
Research interests: Topological phases of matter, spin-orbit density wave, correlated electron systems, band theory of solids
Thesis: “ Interplay of Interaction and Topology - From Topological Band Theory to Topological Field Theory”
Positions: 2018- 2022 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Former Project Students
Suman Karmakar (Post MS project 2021-2023, IISc Bangalore): Now at BARC, Mumbai
"Generic nearest-neighbour square-kagome model: XXZ and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions" arXiv:2403.15090
Prithwiraj Das (Summer project 2022, NISER, Bhubaneswar): NISER Bhubaneswar
"Quantum Mechanics of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians"
Arpit Raj (BS project 2019: IISc Bangalore): Now at PhD student at Northeastern University, Boston
"Rigidity of topological invariants to symmetry breakings" Phys. Rev. B 103, 075139 (2021)
Nepal Banerjee (Post MSc Project 2017-2018 from Presidency University, Kolkata): PhD candidate as University of Seoul, South Korea
"Rigidity of topological invariants to symmetry breakings" Phys. Rev. B 103, 075139 (2021)
Sayantan Roy (BS Project 2016-2017 from IISc Bangalore): PhD candidate as University of Maryland USA
"Simulating Spin Systems with Neural network"
Pranoy Subhash Varma (Summer 2015 from IIT Madras):
"Quantum oscillations from `open' Fermi surface in quasi-one-dimensional lattices: Application to YBa2Cu3O6 cuprates, organic salts, ladder compounds, and related systems" arXiv:1602.05269
Sanjib Das (Summer 2015 from IISER Mohali): PhD: Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, Germany
"Importance of atomically generated Feshbach resonance to the emergent phenomena arising in the electronic states of condensed matter systems"