
This survey features the extra-galactic systems observed through GMRT in the L band using spectral line mode. This include external galaxies(G), pair of galaxies(M2), triple galaxies(M3), multiple galaxies(M), group of galaxies(MG) and galaxy clusters(MC). The details of the sample selection procedure are described in our first paper of the series: The GMRT archive atomic gas survey – I. Survey definition, methodology, and initial results from the pilot sample; Biswas et al. 2022 (paper-I). The sample consists of a total number of 561 sources, among which 46 are elliptical galaxies. The final list of GARCIA that excludes the elliptical galaxies contains 515 galaxies. This final list of galaxies, along with their various properties, is given here . The list of the elliptical galaxies and their properties can also be viewed here .

From these finalized sources, we have selected a pilot sample of eleven galaxies for our preliminary study to establish the analysis method that will be applied uniformly to the full archival sample. For these sources we explore different science cases ,i.e., their kinematics, phases of the ISM, mass models etc.


Prerana Biswas, Dr. Nirupam Roy, Dr. Narendra Nath Patra, Md. Rashid et al.

List of publications:

1. 2022MNRAS.513..168B

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