We perform the 3D kinematic modelling for the pilot sample of eleven galaxies via fitting the tilted ring model to 3D data cubes using two publicly available pipelines: FAT and BBarolo. The comparison of the modelling done through these two pipelines is shown in figure 1 . For most of the sources, FAT gives more satisfactory results than BBarolo. The rotation curves obtained from FAT are shown in figure 2 . The residual moment one maps (i.e., the difference between the moment one map derived from the data and that derived from the model) obtained through the kinematic modelling of FAT are given in figure 3 . For one galaxy, NGC4861, the moment one residual maps from FAT suggests that the fitting is not satisfactory, and for this source, we finalize the rotation curve obtained using BBarolo. The rotation curve of this source using BBarolo and its corresponding residual maps is given in figure 4.

The corresponding PV diagrams can be found here.

Comparison of kinematic modelling

Figure 1: Comparison of the Rotation curve, inclination angle and position angle derived from FAT and BBarolo.


Rotation curves derived using FAT.

Figure 2: Rotation curves derived using FAT.


Residual moment one maps from kinematic modelling using FAT

Figure 3: Moment one residual maps from kinematic modelling through FAT. The color bars' limits are set to correspond to the velocity range that 90 percent of the data points fall inside. The contours represent velocity \( (20, 40, ...) kms^{-1} \).


Rotation curve of NGC4861 and its residual moment one map found using BBarolo

Figure 4: Rotation curve and themoment one residual map of NGC4861 from kinematic modelling through BBarolo.