Transport phenomena in emerging quantum nano-devices: Our group works in the area of quantum transport of nano-devices at ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields using reduced dimensions like two-dimensional graphene, two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides, topological insulator, one-dimensional nanowires and their hybrids. Our pioneering transport studies on emerging two-dimensional materials are followings: Transport properties of graphene-Moiré superlattices; Compressibility studies to unravel electron interactions in graphene quantum-Hall systems; Unconventional Andreev reflection at the graphene-superconductor junction; Anomalous coulomb drag in dimensionally mismatched heterostructures; Quantum noise to unravel the edge dynamics in ultra-clean graphene p-n junction; Thermal transport in integer and fractional quantum Hall states of graphene; Light-matter interaction in atomically thin p-n junction.

Saurabh’s paper on thermal conductance of fractional quantum Hall states in graphene accepted in PRL as an Editor’s suggestion. Congratulations to him.

Research Highlights

Coulomb Drag in dimensionally mismatched Van-der Waals Heterostructures

Coulomb drag is a non-invasive tool for probing the interlayer electron-electron interactions in bilayer systems. It is a transport phenomenon...
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Edge dynamics in graphene quantum Hall

Transport through edge-channels is responsible for conduction in quantum Hall (QH) phases. The equilibration among the edges dictates the electrical...
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Moire-Superlattice and Twistronics

The emergence of multiple Dirac cones in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)−graphene heterostructures is particularly attractive because it offers potentially better...
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Opto-electronics in van der Waals heterostructures

Atomically thin p-n junction: The advent of various 2d-materials like graphene, transition metal di-chalcogenides (TMDs) and, the existence of well-established...
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Quantum capacitance

For a classical capacitor the capacitance is determined by only the geometry, where the electrons distribute themselves such a way...
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Quantum noise probing the charges and statistics

Fluctuation or noise may feel undesirable, but can contain intricate detail about a system not accessible by the average of...
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Thermal transport of Charge, Neutral mode and Majorana mode

When two-dimensional electron gas is cooled to millikelvin temperature regime and then subjected to a high magnetic field, well resolved...
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Unconventional Andreev Reflection at Graphene-Superconductor Junctions

Andreev reflection (AR) is the underlying phenomena that determines the quasiparticle dynamics at the junction of a superconductor with any...
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